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life is killing me
Wednesday, 17 November 2004
new die it
Mood:  cool
gonna make an attempt at a new and IMPROVED diet.... .

here she goes. . .
6 to 12 cups of coffee 2 creams 1 sugar
1 meal
as much water as desired
6oo crunches
1oo push-ups (not the ice cream)

weekly allowances:
1 extra meal
1 drinky drinks

so, lets hope i can stick to it
hmmmmmmmm. . ..

lack of control by no one in particular at 12:54 PM PST

Saturday, 20 November 2004 - 10:00 AM PST


Lowfat/nonfat creamer, and artificial sweetner (if you can handle that nasty taste) That much caffine intake is not good. When ever you feel hungry, just down a bottle of water. it works. if you get the urge to cheat, just try some tiny portion of whatever it is you are craving. Cravings can be cured by a little bit of whatever it is you desire. That's where people go wrong. Your body doesn't need the whole carton of ice cream. A big help is portion controll. And i know it sounds lame, but metamucil helps. I know, you are probably too young for that, but that and of course, good old fashioned excercise. Any little bit helps.

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